The lack of winter ice is changing the food web of the Great Lakes – how light shapes life under water

Winters on the Great Lakes are harsh – so harsh that scientists working there often consider the summer months, when tiny microbes at the underside of the food chain were considered the most efficient.

However, recent research is changing our understanding of those winter ecosystems and shedding light on a vibrant world of winter activities just beneath the ice.

In the early 2000s, scientists discovered that communities of diatoms – tiny photosynthesizing algae – Thriving in the sunshine beneath the windswept lake ice. But because it turned out, that was only a part of the story.

As the winter ice of the Great Lakes disappears, it hit Record lows in winter 2023/24 – New analyses show that some diatoms appear to have a unique way of generating energy and might survive in dark, murky, ice-free water until summer.

A close-up of an ice surface with algae in it.
Diatoms grow on the underside of a skinny slice of Lake Erie ice collected by a scientist.
Steven Wilhelm

This Microbes are crucial to the health of the Great Lakes. They clean the water of pollutants and are step one within the complex food web that supports a fishery that drives a part of the regional economy. Changes here can have far-reaching effects on the ecology of the lakes and direct economic impacts on surrounding communities.

Seeping out of the ice

Interest in life beneath the ice flared up in 2007, when a world team of scientists aboard a Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker noticed something unusual because the ship made its way through the ice of Lake Erie.

When the ice broke, dark brown water seeped out of the lake. It was filled with diatoms.

There have been isolated studies on winter microbes prior to now, but limnologists – scientists who study lakes – didn’t have the tools To completely understood the behavior of microbes until recently.

Diatoms line the cracks where the ice broke behind the ship.
Algae seeps through the ice because the Canadian Coast Guard vessel Griffon makes its way through in February 2008.
Steven Wilhelm

In the last five years Joint Genome Institute of the US Department of Energy supported a molecular biology project by which the RNA of all microorganisms was sequenced. Samples collected from Lake Erie to learn the way these organisms survived the winter months and whether or not they may adapt to future climate scenarios. This work now provides recent insights into how diatoms might use light.

Use of proteins present in animal eyes

We normally consider diatoms as organisms that use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into living matter through photosynthesis. They are widespread within the Great Lakes through the summer and contribute to the lakes' water supply. Multi-billion dollar sport and industrial fishing.

In winter, diatoms can get energy from light that penetrates through the windswept ice. However, when ice is absent in winter, the diatoms mix with lake water that is usually best described as chocolate milk. Light penetrates poorly through this murky water, and the diatoms receive fewer of the particular wavelengths of sunshine that drive photosynthesis.

A close-up of a diatom. It looks like eight arms extending from a center.
A greatly enlarged Asterionella formosa Diatom, common within the Great Lakes.
Mosbo6 via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA
In a fluorescent image on black, parts of the diatom are active
A fluorescence microscopy of a Asterionella formosa shows recent silica (blue) within the diatom's shell, which is akin to a skeleton, and chlorophyll, which may drive photosynthesis in its chloroplasts (red). Together, they suggest that cells like these are actively growing within the ice.
Brittany Zepernick

We collected samples in winter 2019-2020 compare how diatom communities in open waters differ from those under ice. We were surprised to seek out that some diatoms within the absence of ice used a unique type of energy production – powered by a pigment called rhodopsin.

Rhodopsins are light-sensitive proteins which are perhaps best often known as a key component of animal eyes. In marine systems, in 2001 that these proteins are involved in energy production in bacterial cells, especially within the production Adenosine triphosphateor ATP. ATP is a chemical that organisms use as an energy source for a lot of cellular processes, which has earned it the nickname “molecular currency” of living cells.

It now appears that some diatoms from Lake Erie Use this energy generation mechanism to extend light-limited photosynthesis within the ice-free winter months.

Differences between the 2 processes might be necessary: Photosynthesis helps cells fix carbon to supply recent biomass in addition to cellular energy in the shape of ATP. In rhodopsins, ATP is produced, but no direct carbon fixation occurs.

This implies that cells are more likely to survive in these murky waters but is not going to have the ability to grow. In biology, nonetheless, survival is all the things: if an organism's competitors cannot survive harsh conditions however the organism can, there can be more nutrients when conditions improve. In this sense, the rhodopsins in these diatoms look like each a survival mechanism and a option to survive in murky, ice-free winter conditions.

Watch how life within the lake is changing with climate change

While we’re in a warmer climate and ice-free era For Lake Erie and other temperate lakes to the north, these data suggest that the diatoms that thrived in ice-covered lakes may, over time, get replaced by diatoms containing rhodopsins through the winter months.

A map showing ice cover by year from 1973 to 2024 and a graph showing percentage ice cover show that years with low ice cover are becoming more common.
Ice-poor winters have gotten increasingly more common on the Great Lakes.
NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory

The consequences of this alteration are manifold: small changes at the bottom of the food web can affect fisheries. In addition, some diatoms are known to supply compounds that toxic to animals and humans.

We can only speculate at this point about how changes in algal species will affect fisheries, tourism, and coastal resource management in the long run. How algal communities change over time depends upon many aspects, and lightweight is just one in every of them. But with the ability to observe this alteration from the start provides a novel opportunity to grasp the impacts of a warming climate on the Great Lakes and similar lakes all over the world.

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