How Biden's executive order protecting immigrants' spouses from deportation advantages their families and communities

Rodrigo Salazar is a person who entered the United States and not using a visa and has lived within the country without legal status ever since. Because of this, Rodrigo, who asked us not to make use of his or his wife's real name to guard their identities, is unable to rise from low-paying jobs in restaurants and automobile washes.

His wife, Carmela, is a U.S. citizen, but she too faces profession restrictions. Carmela doesn't feel secure moving to a spot where she could get a better-paying job. She fears that Rodrigo's lack of immigration status can be more obvious in a city with a smaller Latino population, putting him susceptible to arrest and deportation.

The entire Salazar family, including their two children, lives in constant fear of being separated from the family if Rodrigo is deported.

Immigrants like Rodrigo who live within the USA without residency status, but married for US residents, will now have protection before deportation, President Joe Biden announced on June 18, 2024To qualify, they should have entered the country 10 or more years ago and be married to a U.S. citizen. Those who meet these criteria can obtain a piece permit and start the trail to citizenship while working and living legally within the U.S.

The Biden administration estimates that about 500,000 immigrant spouses of residents are shielded from Deportation with this policy changeThe policy also applies to roughly 50,000 stepchildren of U.S. residents living within the United States without legal immigration status.

We are migration researchers and research Marriages with mixed nationality – meaning that some relations are residents or have the legal right to stay within the United States, while others aren’t – and the results of be without papers. Our Research shows that if a member of the family doesn’t have legal immigration status within the United States, the Family as a complete assumes an undocumented status.

If a member of the family cannot safely travel, work or access medical care, all relations suffer. The opposite can be true. If a member of the family can move from living without legal status within the United States to living with legal status, the lifetime of all the family improves.

A white man with white hair, a dark suit and sunglasses extends his hand toward the camera.
President Joe Biden prepares to board Air Force One in California on June 16, 2024.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

A change in immigration policy within the Nineties

In general, it’s immediate member of the family If you’re a US citizen, you might have the chance to live legally within the USA as a foreigner, obtain everlasting residency and change into a citizen.

For many of the twentieth century, all spouses of U.S. residents who met the legal requirements for qualified marital relationships were capable of change into residents through a comparatively straightforward process, however the modified 1996.

A law from 1996 called the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act imposes harsh penalties on people living within the United States without legal immigration status. One of the penalties is a 10-year “re-entry ban” for anyone who has lived within the United States for a 12 months or more and not using a visa. This ban takes effect once the person leaves U.S. territory.

Formalities create a niche

One consequence of this 1996 law was that getting a green card – an identification document that grants an individual legal and everlasting residency within the country – became depending on whether an immigrant entered and remained within the United States with or and not using a visa.

This change within the law created a major inequality in the flexibility of U.S. residents to grant everlasting residency to their immigrant spouses.

If the immigrant spouse of a U.S. citizen has overstayed his or her visa, that person may apply for legal immigration status from throughout the United States through his or her spouse. In these cases, the spouse doesn’t have to depart U.S. territory and just isn’t subject to the 10-year entry ban.

On the opposite hand, if the spouse of a U.S. citizen enters the United States and not using a visa or other legal authorization, she or he must leave the country for the ultimate step of his or her legal immigration process. However, upon departure, his or her 10-year travel ban robotically takes effect.

This implies that while the spouses of all U.S. residents, even those without legal immigration status, are technically eligible for everlasting residency, a few of them can have to spend ten years or more outside the country before they will actually obtain a green card.

As a result, in recent a long time, tens of millions of immigrants who lived within the United States without legal permission but were married to U.S. residents have not obtaining legal immigration status.

While the 10-year ban only applies to immigrants without legal status, in practice it’s also strongly influenced their spouses, who’re residents.

In these cases, residents married to immigrants who aren’t legally allowed to remain within the United States have two difficult options. They can accept a life by which Fear and limitations within the United States, including the ever-present threat of deportation of their spouse, or they will hand over life within the USA in total for a decade or more.

A man holds a small child who is holding an American flag. He stands next to a woman who has her hands around the chest of a small boy.
A brand new U.S. citizen, originally from Mexico, poses together with his family after a naturalization ceremony in Long Beach, California, in November 2023. Biden's latest policy will make it easier for undocumented immigrants whose spouses are residents to change into residents.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

The impact of Biden's changes in immigration policy

The Biden administration has linked this latest executive motion for families to its recent announcement to tighten restrictions on asylum seekers – a development that students call an asylum ban.

The administration said in a press release that they wish to each “secure the border” and expand “legal opportunities to keep families together.”

Under this latest regulation, spouses of immigrants who entered the country and not using a visa before June 17, 2014, are allowed to “Probation in force”, much like a Politics that profits Spouses of military veterans who don’t have legal immigration status within the U.S. Parole means these immigrants receive work authorization and increased protection from deportation.

Parole also allows immigrant spouses of U.S. residents to have their immigration applications processed within the U.S., whether or not they entered the U.S. with or and not using a visa. This means they don’t have to depart the country for 10 years or more in the event that they entered the U.S. and not using a visa.

The legal right to work within the United States will allow these immigrant spouses to search out jobs that higher match their education and skills. Some estimates suggest that this increase the wages of an immigrant in every single place from 14% To 40% greater than what they currently earn.

The executive measure also brings economic advantages for The municipalities by which families with mixed citizenship live.

Economic analyses Measuring the impact Expanding work permits and access to citizenship is anticipated to create latest jobs, increase community incomes, increase local and federal tax revenues, and promote sustained economic growth.

As migration scholars, we imagine this executive motion is a crucial step to be sure that U.S. residents who marry immigrants don’t find yourself negative consequences because their spouses cannot legally live, work or vote within the United States. It will even prevent the de facto deportation of U.S. residents and their noncitizen spouses.

Essentially, this policy change advantages American families, protecting the rights of U.S. residents to marry the person they love, keep their families together, and even live in their very own country. Aside from helping families, this modification will even bring broad economic advantages to the communities—and the country—by which they live.

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