After we saw that ring on her finger, our friendship ended

DEAR HARRIETTE: This week I invited considered one of my friends to my apartment for dinner. We had an amazing time.

I had by chance gotten a black ink stain on it, and sure enough the ink was on the ring she was wearing. I told her it was my ring and she or he silently took it off and walked out the door.

We haven't spoken in per week and I don't know if I ever want to do this again. I feel betrayed and hurt and don't know the best way to proceed.

How could someone I considered a friend take something so personal from me without even acknowledging it? Should I confront her about it or is it higher to simply abandon the friendship?

I'm torn between wanting to get closure and never wanting to take care of someone who would do something like that.

Dear thief: Yes, with the goal of getting some type of closure, it’s best to reach out to your girlfriend to search out out what's occurring along with her.

Ask her what's occurring in her life. Tell her you must understand how she was capable of break into your house and steal from you. Ask them to elucidate. Be aware that there shall be no good excuse. The best you'll probably get is a way of what's occurring in her head.

People who steal in this manner are often in a desperate situation. It may very well be drugs or losing a job and even deep-seated jealousy of you.

Whatever it’s, you’ve to come back to terms with letting her go. Be sure to inform her that you concentrate on your friendship over due to her actions.

DEAR HARRIETTE: I moved to Florida to attend college. I met my boyfriend on the gym across the road where he works part time.

Before I became his girlfriend, I had made just a few friends on the gym. However, since we met, all these people act like they’re friends and never mine because he has known them for a very long time.

I'm pretty introverted and the gym is the one place I’m going after I don't have school. Whenever I'm sad and wish to have a drink, I can't help but miss my very own city with my very own friends.

I want some input here.

DEAR GYM BUDDY: It is smart that you just discover a friend with whom you spend your free time. The unlucky thing is that you just haven't yet explored other social opportunities. Now is the time to do this.

Additionally, proceed to nurture relationships with the people you want on the gym. This will need time. Don't feel lower than because you understand your friend higher. Be yourself and see what relationships grow.

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