Children in American public schools traditionally learned the three R's: reading, writing and arithmetic. Today, ...

ORINDA – When parents confer with their teens about Internet safety and the hazards of ...

Black youth come to the emergency room with gunshot wounds or other violent injuries with ...

Leave it to Jennifer Garner to point you in the precise direction. As the paparazzi ...

Editor's Note: This article was written for Mosaic Vision, an independent journalism training program for ...

In greater than 90% of public school districts within the United States School board elections ...

WALNUT CREEK — A neighborhood middle school student was suspended, placed in a mental sanatorium ...

The incident occurred around 7:45 p.m. at Skyline High School, 12250 Skyline Blvd., Oakland police ...

In an industrial corner of Oakland, sandwiched between a 10-lane highway and a freight terminal, ...