Despite vote for change At last yr’s annual meeting, shareholders of the medical device manufacturer ...

When the rock band Phish began singing their 2004 song “A Song I Heard the ...

Amazon is driving forward the event of its artificial intelligence technology, hiring top talent from ...

Lynn Conway may hold the record for the longest delay between an unfair firing and ...

Quantum computing is like Forrest Gump'S box of chocolates: You never know what you're going ...

The Bay Area's shaky tech industry is showing signs of stabilizing after suffering years-long waves ...

Chemical waste, mass production and consumerism are all byproducts of an industrialized global economy. It's ...

“Our writing instruments also have an effect on our thoughts.” Nietzsche wrote, or more precisely, ...

Silicon Valley enterprise capitalist Marc Andreessen wrote a 5,000 word manifesto In 2023, a loud ...

Google has laid off 28 employees following protests over the technology the web company supplies ...