The judge finds the federal government's plan to rebuild the Pacific sardine population inadequate

From The Associated Press

SAN JOSE – A federal plan to rebuild the Pacific's sardine population was improperly implemented and failed to stop overfishing, a judge in California ruled this week.

U.S. Judge Virginia DeMarchi's decision on Monday was a victory for environmentalists who said authorities had did not ensure sardine stocks would get better inside the time-frame required by law.

The nonprofit Oceana sued the National Marine Fisheries Service in 2021, claiming that sardine stocks within the Pacific declined by greater than 98% between 2006 and 2020.

The small fatty fish that individuals prefer to eat are also essential food for whales, dolphins, sea lions, pelicans and salmon. The lack of sardines could cause problems throughout the ocean ecosystem, environmentalists said.

The Fisheries Service must develop a plan to support recovery and “impose hard, science-based caps on how many fish can be caught each year,” the judge wrote in her order. The agency said it doesn’t comment on the litigation.

“We are grateful that the court followed the science and recognized the need for a real plan with enforceable catch limits that will restore the Pacific sardines to a healthy, abundant and resilient ocean,” said Dr. Geoff Shester, chief scientist at Oceana. said in an announcement.

DeMarchi declined to grant a few of Oceana's requests, including one asking that a brand new environmental impact statement be ordered.

The judge ordered the parties to debate and submit proposed remedies by May 6.

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