National News | The United Methodists are lifting a ban on clergy celebrating same-sex marriages

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — United Methodist delegates on Friday lifted their church's longstanding ban on clergy and churches celebrating same-sex marriages or civil unions.

The motion marked the newest major reversal in a series of LGBTQ bans and disapproval which have been enshrined within the laws and social teachings of the United Methodist Church over the past half century.

The UMC General Conference's 447-233 vote got here a day after delegates voted overwhelmingly to repeal a 52-year-old declaration that the practice of homosexuality is “incompatible with Christian doctrine,” and two days after they lifted the denomination's ban on LGBTQ clergy.

This is the UMC's first legislative convention since 2019, which boasted its most progressive delegate list ever after greater than 7,600 predominantly conservative congregations across the United States defected over virtually enforcing its bans on same-sex marriage and LGBTQ ordination had set.

Delegates voted to repeal a piece of their book of discipline, or church code, that states: “Ceremony celebrating homosexual unions shall not be performed by our ministers and shall not be held in our churches.”

Under current law, which the conference approved with minor changes on Friday, clergy will neither be required nor prohibited from marrying.

On Thursday, the delegates adopted the revised social principles and declarations of the church's values. This revision not only removed language that homosexuality was “incompatible with Christian teaching,” but in addition defined marriage as a union between two adults, without limiting it to heterosexual couples as within the previous version.

But while the social principles are non-binding, the clause deleted on Friday had the force of law.

However, regional conferences outside the United States have the power to set their very own rules, so churches in Africa and elsewhere with more conservative views on sexuality could maintain bans on same-sex marriage and LGBTQ clergy. A pending change to the church structure would also allow the US region to make such adjustments.

The amendment doesn’t require or explicitly affirm same-sex marriage. But it lifts their ban. It takes effect on the Saturday following the conclusion of general conference.

The Rev. Rebecca Girrell of Vermont told fellow delegates that she regretted initially rejecting a request to perform same-sex marriage based on church rules. “I promised that I would never again betray my heart and my calling to offer service and grace to all people,” she said.

She later said she defied church rules and performed the same-sex wedding for 2 service members before their deployment. “You will never convince me that this was wrong,” she said.

But Samuel Cole of Liberia urged the conference to not approve the measure. He said it will not be accepted in other parts of the world, adding that only a person and a lady could father children.

In 2019, a short lived window was opened allowing American churches to depart with their property, normally owned by the denomination, on more favorable terms than normal. While the conference voted against extending this window to international churches, the conference votes could still lead some international churches to exit in other ways – particularly in Africa, where conservative sexual values ​​prevail and same-sex activity is criminalized in some countries.

Separately, General Conference on Friday removed language that makes it a criminal offense for clergy to be “self-professed practicing homosexuals” or to perform same-sex marriages – just like previous repeals but affecting a special a part of church law. There was some debate since the measure also abolished other criminal offenses comparable to marital infidelity. But advocates said there are other parts of the Book of Discipline that allow the church to discipline clergy for immorality.

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