A painful picture of how badly the Kennedy men treated women


When the B-52s first sang of “heroes falling to the ground as hell's magnet draws me down,” JFK had been dead for under 15 years and was still a largely untainted national icon. Stories of how he treated women trickled out, but it surely wasn't until the #MeToo era that we learned just how abominably he and other revered and influential men behaved.

Journalist Maureen Callahan has worked for the New York Post and the Daily Mail – tabloids which have never met a Kennedy they didn’t need to criticize. In her recent book “do not ask” she has assembled a scathing portrait of the devastation not only of John F. Kennedy, but of three generations of Kennedy men. It is a gaggle portrait that reminds us that former President Donald Trump is under no circumstances an outsider amongst powerful men.

Drawing on a wide selection of sources, from unknowns (the White House kennel owner) to best-selling authors (Kitty Kelley) and her own reporting, Callahan takes a critical have a look at the Kennedy men through the lens of the unhappy and sometimes abused wives and girlfriends of their lives.

She identifies the origin of misogyny in Irish Catholic patriarch Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. in Boston throughout the Gilded Age and traces it anecdote by anecdote through JFK, RFK and Teddy and the litter of men of the child boomer generation – boys fathered by three Kennedy wives whom Callahan portrays as humiliated breeders and political mainstays driven to madness and alcoholism. At the highest is matriarch Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, a master of procreation who gave birth to nine live babies, including one who would develop into the thirty fifth president and two future senators.

For the sections on JFK, Callahan relies heavily on a wealth of secondary sources about orgies, White House parties, and the King of Camelot's sex addiction. She repeats claims from Kitty Kelley's 1978 book Jackie Oh! that Jackie suffered from anorexia and depression in some unspecified time in the future consequently of her marriage to JFK and required electroshock therapy. Callahan repeats unsubstantiated claims that each JFK and Robert F. Kennedy were one way or the other involved in Marilyn Monroe's suicide.

She also tells stories of ladies who’ve since written or spoken about becoming Kennedy's sex objects as college-age interns. Diana de Vegh was certainly one of them, a third-year student at Radcliffe University when she caught the eye of the married senator from Massachusetts in 1958. Kennedy eventually seduced her in his Boston apartment. Her first sexual experience with him was temporary and decidedly unromantic. “There were no kisses. No expressions of affection,” she told Callahan in an interview. De Vegh was certainly one of several young women who were later invited to the White House family quarters when Jackie was away.

Then-Senator John F. Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline Kennedy on July 20, 1957 on the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port.

Callahan has a superb eye for lurid details. Among essentially the most controversial anecdotes — which critics and excerpts are already cherry-picking — is one she attributes to conversations with creator William Manchester's son, John, who revealed details from his father's two five-hour taped interviews with Jackie, which will probably be kept secret from the general public until 2067. According to Callahan, Jackie told Manchester that she and Jack had sex the night before he died. But she provides no source for her eye-popping claim that Jackie kissed your complete naked body of the dead president while she was alone within the Dallas hospital — “or so she thought.”

Anyone born after 1970 must be reminded of the horrific story of Ted Kennedy leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to die slowly in his submerged automotive while he walked away. And Callahan delivers. The grisly details are damning, and the undeniable fact that Teddy lived one other five many years in the general public eye is a testament to the culture's normalized misogyny.

Callahan writes that reporters routinely referred to Kopechne not by name but as “the blonde.” They often referred to the “boiler room girls” who worked for Bobby Kennedy, of which Kopechne was one, as “party girls,” and after Kopechne's death, Kennedy attachés vilified them once they tried to comment on them.

The book is replete with pregnancies and repeated miscarriages of ladies desperately trying and failing to meet their duty to have children. Jackie suffered a miscarriage, lost a full-term baby at two days old, and experienced a stillbirth while her husband cavorted with women on a ship within the Mediterranean. Joan, Ted's wife, suffered three miscarriages. But together the three women managed to hatch a crop of boys, the third-generation Kennedys, whom Callahan portrays as morally and intellectually weakened, pampered, spoiled, ruthless, and as devastating to women as their fathers and grandfathers.

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. survived a teenage heroin addiction but then developed a sex addiction, which he catalogued in a “sex diary” first published by the New York Post. He wrote that he was tormented by “lust demons” and helplessly “ambushed” by horny women. Callahan tells the story of his wife, Mary Richardson's, suicide, with many details previously published within the New York Post, including quotes from other moms who recalled Mary begging for $20 to purchase gas or groceries while her husband prepared for divorce.

RFK Jr.'s older brother Joseph Kennedy II recklessly drove an open-top Jeep on Nantucket in 1973 and veered into oncoming traffic, throwing seven passengers out. The accident left an area girl named Pam Kelley paralyzed for all times. Callahan devotes a chapter to Kelley's sad later life and her premature death in 2020.

Madness, suicide, alcoholism, heartbreak, trauma, rape and… murder. Michael Skakel, related to RFK through his aunt Ethel's marriage, was convicted of the murder of Martha Moxley in 2002. Another third-generation Kennedy man, William Kennedy Smith (the son of JFK and RFK's sister Jean Kennedy Smith), was famously acquitted of raping Patricia Bowman in Palm Beach, Florida. His cousin JFK Jr. showed up on the trial to point out his support, despite allegedly telling a friend that the Kennedy family “should have done something about Willie when he started doing this.” Callahan explains it clearly: “I meant raping women.”

Bowman later told journalist Dominick Dunne that after Smith raped her, he “looked at me as the most quiet, smug, arrogant man” and said nobody would imagine her. The 1991 trial was a display of celebrity misogyny, with Smith's lawyer Roy Black portraying Bowman as a mentally in poor health drug addict who shouldn’t have been out with Kennedy men at 3 a.m.

Callahan specifically takes aim on the status of the golden boy who died too young. The eyes of JFK Jr.'s wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, are among the many three pairs of eyes on the book's cover (the opposite two are those of Jackie and Marilyn Monroe). Callahan portrays Bessette Kennedy as someone who regrets landing the last word Kennedy prince. In the primary chapter, Callahan references his ex-girlfriend Christina Haag's book for details about John's reckless streak, “which bordered on a death wish.” Callahan also claims — without citing sources — that Carolyn “really, really didn't want to get on the plane” the night Junior insisted on flying with him to a Kennedy wedding.

John F. Kennedy Jr. speaks with Carolyn Bessette on the Municipal Art Society of New York profit held on the 69th Regiment Armory in New York on February 28, 1996. The couple were married on Saturday, September 21, 1996 on Cumberland Island off the coast of Georgia.

She also repeats unconfirmed reports from the National Enquirer that the couple were near divorcing before they died in Junior's small plane in 1999. “She wanted out of her marriage, but she also felt trapped,” Callahan writes, quoting Carolyn – from an Enquirer article – telling her friends, “I can't get a divorce. I'm going to end up in a trailer park, going crazy, saying, 'I was once married to JFK Jr.'”

The multigenerational cycle of abuse chronicled in Ask Not is definitely not limited to the Kennedys. Sophisticated male sex offenders, protection by a retinue of supporters, and silence through bribery or litigation remain the muse of our national power structure. The anecdotes that make up this book are nothing recent, but Callahan strings them together in a way that makes the Kennedy household appear to be Bluebeard's castle of horrors.

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don’t ask
The Kennedys and the ladies who destroyed them
By Maureen Callahan
Little, Brown. 400 pages. $32.50

image credit : www.boston.com